If It Sounds Like Hype, It’s Only Because…

The Results Are So Good…

 Check out why we recommend YT ADS:

<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/192466078?autoplay=1&color=A51D7F&title=0&byline=0&portrait=0" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>

On November 23 the Special discount price ends and Video Ads will cost $97

<img style="display:block;margin:0 auto;" src="https://blastersuite.com/wordpress?global-countdown-campaign-display=7"/>
Front End Product – Video Ads Crash Course

Video Ads Crash Course 3.0 is the most up to date course on Adwords for Video. Recently, Google made some changes to the way these ads work and function (and what they are called too) and this course covers it all!

I would name this “From 0 to HERO” because you start the training as a noob and by the end you are a YouTube Ads EXPERT. And this is no big word… I really mean that!

Upsale – TubeSift Software

TubeSift is a web based software that will allow you pull highly relevant placements with monetization enables. These monetized videos can then have your ads placed in front of them by following what is laid out in Video Ads Crash Course 3.0
TubeSift also has an Autosuggest Keyword Tool built in so that user can find highly relevant keywords to use in their ad targeting.

I strongly recommend to get TubeSift!


Normal Price: $147
for you Blaster Members FREE