I don’t know if you remember but during Video Lead Studio launch, I’ve sent you an email about our servers couldn’t handle all the traffic and our site being down or loading very hard…

Well… some weeks ago I found out that there was a Different problem…

You will find out about the real problem in a moment…

On VLS site we are giving a free tool to anybody who visits the website, all you have to do is, signup to our newsletter.
As soon as you signup, you will receive the download link. ( Simple…)
Usually we get 80% Open rate on the “download link” email.

The thing is that we got under 30% open rate to the subscribers from VLS site…

That was very strange… So I decided to inspect the problem…

The thing is that I started getting more and more subs each day, so I had to extend one of my GetResponse accounts from 5000 subs to 10.000 subs.
( That was pretty expensive, I had to pay… around 900$ )


After some days I checked my Open Rate, it was already under 10%…

skypeThat’s when I was 100% sure that there is a problem, so I asked my friend Chris Hitman to help me as he is my go-to guy when it comes to hacking/security issues.


We took a look over my getresponse account and then headed to my google analytics…

We noticed that we had a lot of traffic coming from Russia and almost NO SALES from Russia

That was strange…


When we checked getresponse once again…

We found the problem… somebody (from Russia) was adding “fake” subsribers to my email lists, 70% of my optin list was fake…

That’s why we had such low open rates…
When we checked our server traffic in depth, we noticed that I was flooded with traffic from a Russian guy and that google analytics was not counting even 10% of the whole “flood” traffic.





I was so pissed off!





Not only that I threw out on the window almost 1000$…


Now I had to manually filter all the emails from our optin list and remove all those fake subs…

(check out my the image from my getresponse acc)


And my website loading slowly was actually caused by the flood traffic… that made me lose a ton of sales…





Some days ago, Chris hit me up on skype and told me that he has a solution to prevent problems like the one I have in the future…
Traffic Shield…



I will personally start using Traffic Shield on all my websites!
Don’t know if your sites were ever hacked/spam/attacked, but I suggest not waiting until your sites are attacked, prevent that from happening!

Stop 99% Of Hackers, Spies & Malicious Bots That Destroy 30,000 Sites Per Day

Protect All Your Sites With The Most Powerful Global Security Network

Secure All Your Sites Using The Most Powerful Security Network On The Planet !

No Complexity, No Fuss, No Plugin Clashes, No More Bad Traffic

 Traffic Shield Does All The Hard Work For You


Blocks scrapers, bots & hackers


Speed up your sites by up to 100%


Boost SEO score via improved site speed


Reduce your server loads by up to 80%


DNS redundancy for Maximum Uptime


Autoblock & challenge bad countries

Find Out Why You Should Protect Your Website…


FACT: 30,000 Sites Are Hacked Every Day

Every single day, Sophos Labs identifies 30,000 new sites that have been hacked.

Despite what you might think, hackers use automated tools to compromize thousands of sites every hour.

Even with diligent security, you cannot protect against the massive flood of attacks on an ongoing basis.

This puts your website under significant stress, slowing it down and costing you business.


FACT: Small Site Owners are the BIGGEST Targets

Last year a third of all cyber attacks were against small business.

Automated hacking often small business as they are almost always easy targets.

Once hacked, most site owners are completely unaware that their sites are now being used for criminal activities.


FACT: Google Penalises you for Slow Load Speeds

Ask any SEO and they will tell you how important site speed is for SEO rankings.

Slow loading sites will almost certainly not be able to get top rankings, as Google prioritizes quality and user experience.

The more load your site is under, the slower it runs.

All that unwanted traffic therefore has a significant impact on your rankings.


Too Many Similar Sites = Google Penalty

Ask any SEO and they will tell you, that if you bulk build affiliate sites and host them all on the same server… You’re up for a manual review by Google.

As soon as Google know what you’re up to, they’ll immediately penalize all your sites.

They do this without warning, costing your all your income overnight.

Recovery from this is next to impossible and all you can really do is pray.

Secure All Your Sites Using The Most Powerful Security Network On The Planet !

No Complexity, No Fuss, No Plugin Clashes, No More Bad Traffic

 Traffic Shield Does All The Hard Work For You


Blocks scrapers, bots & hackers


Speed up your sites by up to 100%


Boost SEO score via improved site speed


Reduce your server loads by up to 80%


DNS redundancy for Maximum Uptime


Autoblock & challenge bad countries