New Technology that is 250% more efficient than email marketing

That has 0 rules! Send whatever, whenever you like to your website visitors!

100% message delivery GUARANTEED: every subscriber sees EVERY one of your messages

700% More Effective than Emails Marketing, Fb Ads, Re-Targeting etc

Newbie Friendly, Fully Tested by BlasterSuite VIP members

Make MORE sales by reminding or re-engaging your users through browser notification messages even after they leave your page

No tech skills

SKYROCKET conversions with personal messaging based on preferences, categories or custom segments

usWhen I saw the Push Notification feature used by Facebook and I was thinking how cool would it be to be able to use the same tech to send messages to our visitors. ( this happened three-for weeks ago).

Ten day ago, Marius called me to invite me to test PushLeads! PushLeads allows you to do exactly that!

I already tested it with my TV Series website and I have to say that I am BLOWN AWAY!

For quite a while I was thinking to capture the emails of my visitors, but this would involve a pretty high cost.

We have around 50k visitors per day, let’s say 20% would signup to our newsletter, that would mean 10k new subs/day… and GetResponse asks for $165/month/10k subs…

Multiply that by 30…  and it would mean I would have to 5000$/month …

 That is kind of to much even for us 🙂

I didn’t want to risk that much money on a test… that could not even work…

With email newsletters we get around 10% CTR(click through rate) that mean that from 300k subs we whould get only 30k new visitors and guess what from 30k you don’t make even $1k 🙂 (now days)

But… With PushLeads …

Didn’t have to worry about how many users I have in my list… you pay once and add as many subs as you want.

Didn’t have to worry that they won’t “open” my email.

And bammm: My pushleads traffic ALONE generated an extra 1k ! money-new

Let me show you a graph, to understand exactly how this works:

Heck This Is So POWERFUL,
that I will start using it with you!

You should see a popup in the bottom of the screen asking you if you want to allow push notifications from BlastertSuite. Just press ok.


Special Early Bird Bonuses For Blaster Members!

Purchase PushLeads And Get Instant Access To All THESE AMAZING BONUSES:


Bonus #1 – 97$

Video Ad PopUp Plugin

Display Banner Ads or Optin Forms Over Videos!


Bonus #2 – 197$

Free Traffic X

Brand NEW Video Training Reveals The #1 Way to Get Unlimited Free Traffic Using Secret Underground Tactics!


Bonus #3 – 127$

Mobile Web Site Templates

Save Time & Boost Sales With Our Amazing 100 Templates!


Bonus #4- 157$

Periscope Marketing Excellence

Discover How To Generate Tons Of Targeted Traffic And Profit Even Faster With Periscope…


Bonus #5 – 277$

Facebook App Secrets

This powerful tool will provide you with everything you need to know to be a success and achieve your goal of getting your Facebook Apps business to a successful place.

Bonus #6- 157$

WP iAsk Plugin

Use WP iAsk Plugin to Make Lead Sucking & Extremely engaging surveys which will sky rocket your list building campaigns.

Get PushLeads Through This Page And Get All My KILLER BONUSES ABOVE FOR FREE!!!
