I know that most of you have traffic problems…

So this post is about TRAFFIC!

When you control the traffic, you are in full and complete control of not only how you choose to make money, but even how much money you make… YOU Control That!

And today we are not going to talk about VIRAL traffic, because that is really hard to convert and monetize

We will talk about the easiest to CONVERT and MONETIZE type of traffic…

Search engine traffic!

The problem is that you, me and the other millions of marketers around the world know that and all of us try to rank high on Google!
So getting organic traffic is really HARD lately…

But don’t worry… even if getting Google traffic implies a diverse understanding of many mass marketing concepts and a lot of work…
It can be done!

Check out this really cool training video from my buddy Cliff Carrigan where he explains you how to setup your own traffic network and his shortcut for ORGANIC TRAFFIC:
>> http://ctavid.com/zshh

Cliff is building “traffic networks” to harvest as much traffic as he can from search engines…

A traffic network at it’s very core is simply a content heavy website who’s sole purpose is to get massive volumes of content (pages, posts) indexed into the major search engines.

The traffic network is working from a volume based perspective. The more pages he has published means more opportunities for getting those pages indexed into the large search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo).

The more pages he gets indexed will mean more opportunities for regular web surfers (people like you and me doing various searches) to be exposed to one or more of his listings and ultimately click-through (visit) the indexed page.

Find out more from the video Cliff recorded:
>> http://ctavid.com/zshh

I hope this will help you out,
Vlad and Stoica