Over 10 intro Videos For The Medical Niche

  1. Download link: https://blastersuite.com/download/doctor.zip
  2. Description:

Custom intro videos for:dentist, Audiologist, Allergist, Cardiologist, Dermatologist, Neurologist, Gynecologist, Pediatrician and other specialities. Use this videos in combination with Video SPin Blaster or any other video creator and you can sell a single video for over $300 without any problems.

Over 15 Local Business Intro Videos

  1. Download link: https://blastersuite.com/download/localvids.zip
  2. Description:

Excelent Intro videos for various local business like: plumbing, electrician, private investigator, auto repair, locksmith, wedding planner, hair saloon, fitness trainer, veterinarian, attorney

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